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Tapintu Insights

November 15, 2017
Tapintu Insights™ using the Projective Differential™ Struggling with a tough decision? Seeking clarity about how to move forward? Is your team not performing to its potential? Which image is somehow more like your situation? In what ways is the image like your situation? For a long time we have sensed, and now science has confirmed, that our brain held, and understood, massive amounts of information — more than our conscious awareness can comprehend. Now that we know that it is there, the que…

Leadership Development/Biz/Exec

November 15, 2017
Leadership & Team Development Do you want to generate a more positive impact in the world? Is your work profitable but not as fulfilling as you want it to be? Are you lacking clarity in your leadership style or unsure of next steps? Does your team lack cohesiveness or is it failing to live up to its potential? As a leadership development and business coach, I am your consigliere: your advisor and trusted confidante.  I work with you to access a deeper level of awareness and understanding …

Journal Prompt

February 2, 2017
Prefer to have the journal prompts in a pdf? Download: Tapintu Journal Prompts

Not sure what to write about? Use the button below to randomly select a writing prompt from a list of over 30 possibilities.



(A sound will signal the beginning and the end of the time.
You can also use the timer for pre-journaling meditation/reflection.)

Start by spending a couple of minutes just sitting. Just sit, breathe, and notice whatever you notice. You can then hit the button to generate a writing prompt, and spend at least 5 minutes writing (you can use the timer)... even if you run out of things to write, just keep writing, anything. Your journal is a grammar police free zone - so just let it flow as it comes.

I tend to prefer journaling by hand in a physical journal rather than typing... for me, it just seems to flow a little easier. However, if you don't have a journal, or an app you wouold use for this, you can use the form below to type your entry and have it emailed to you.

Type your journal entry here, it will be emailed to you. It will not be saved on this site or emailed to anyone else.
Enter your email address to have this sent to your inbox.
Are you an existing client and want to share your entry with me? Check the box and I'll get it in my inbox.
A Few Articles About Journaling The More Senior Your Job Title, the More You Need to Keep a Journal (Harvard Business Review: journal) The #1 Productivity Tool You Aren’t Using (Forbes: dorieclark/2012…

Meditation & Stress Reduction

April 8, 2017
Tools for Meditation   & Stress Reduction Meditation has finally made it into the mainstream. Magazines and blogs, newscasts, hospital MBSR programs, corporate mindfulness programs… it’s everywhere. Given the pace of life, the demands of work and family, it’s no wonder people are looking for a way to de-stress. While we don’t all have the luxury of being able to elminate, or even significantly reduce the stressors in our lives, among its many benefits meditation can indeed help w…

Success! You now have access to the Journal Prompts

January 15, 2018
Success! You now have access to the Journal Prompts Congratulations on deciding to give journaling a try—if you spend just 5 minutes writing each day, I believe you’ll find you get a lot out of it! Why not get started right away? You can access the online random Journal Prompt now, here. Let it flow! Want to work with me? Fill out the form to request a free initial consultation!
It's helpful to know where people are finding out about me and/or Tapintu. Thanks!
You might also like to check out the Meditation & Stress Reduction section of Useful Stuff….

Get the Tapintu Journal Prompts

January 7, 2018
Get your FREE Journal Prompts Journaling is an excellent tool for improving your ability to be self-reflective, and ultimately your self-awareness. Areas that can be positively impacted through the practice of journaling include (but are definitely not limited to): mindfulness clarity creativity self-discipline perspective values clarification healing responding vs reacting anger management confidence emotional intelligence goal clarification problem solving …


April 7, 2017
My Bookshelf My wife will tell you that I have way too many books… and she’s not even seeing what I’ve got on my iPad! Here are some of the books on my bookshelf you might find interesting and even helpful on your journey. I’ll be changing what’s listed here from time to time, so check back once in a while. (function(t,e,i,d){var o=t.getElementById(i),n=t.createElement(e);;;’inline-block’;’ibb-widget’,n.setAttribute(‘src’,(‘https:’=…

Personal Development & Life Coaching

November 15, 2017
Personal Development & Life Coaching Perhaps you have worked hard & have experienced success in your life, and yet… Maybe you’ve been doing all the things you think one should do, and yet… You may even have achieved many of the things you think one should, and yet… …something just feels not quite right, you know there must be more but you don’t know what that is. …you sense a gap between where you are and where you want to be. …you’ve started to become aware of the tyranny of the…

Complimentary Consultation Questionnaire

October 9, 2017
Complimentary Consultation Questionnaire Thank you for your interest in exploring whether we might work together!
2Coaching Goals & Experience
3About You
4More About You
5Contact Info

Please complete the following form to let me know what you hope to get from coaching, as well as a little about you and your story. It will help me understand your goals and expectations and give me a starting place for thinking about how I might be able to help you.

Take your time with this -- you may wish to download the pdf version and sit with it for a while. Download the Complimentary Consultation Questionnaire .

Answer all the questions in however much detail you wish.

After you submit this form, I will review it and get back to you by email within 48 hours with some thoughts.