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Tapintu Insights
Leadership Development/Biz/Exec
Journal Prompt
Not sure what to write about? Use the button below to randomly select a writing prompt from a list of over 30 possibilities.
(A sound will signal the beginning and the end of the time.
You can also use the timer for pre-journaling meditation/reflection.)
Start by spending a couple of minutes just sitting. Just sit, breathe, and notice whatever you notice. You can then hit the button to generate a writing prompt, and spend at least 5 minutes writing (you can use the timer)... even if you run out of things to write, just keep writing, anything. Your journal is a grammar police free zone - so just let it flow as it comes.
I tend to prefer journaling by hand in a physical journal rather than typing... for me, it just seems to flow a little easier. However, if you don't have a journal, or an app you wouold use for this, you can use the form below to type your entry and have it emailed to you.