
Greater Clarity

Peace of Mind

Your Inner Wisdom

Whole-Brain Decision Making

Deep Self-Awareness

Your Potential

Your Team’s Potential

Deep Commitment

Your Creative Genius
Personal Development · Life Coaching
Leadership Development · Conscious Evolution
tap•in•tu [tap-‘in-tū]
- to penetrate, open up, gain access to, a deeper truth or understanding
- to reach into, to become friendly with, one’s own inner resources
- to gain access to one’s own inner resources for the purpose of becoming who one was meant to be
I feel stuck, like I’m just going through the motions. Isn’t there more to life than this?
I’m working hard and doing everything right, but why? What’s it all for?
I’m overwhelmed. I know where I want to be, but how do I get there?
I know there’s a deeper purpose to my life, and I want to discover what it is. But how?
Do any of these sound like you?
If these are questions you’re asking yourself, you’re someone with whom I’d like to work. We already have a connection because, like you, I am on a path of exploration, exploring deeper levels of meaning, seeking inner peace, fulfillment and optimal living.
We all have within us the knowledge and wisdom required to grow in positive ways and fulfill our potential—whether as individuals, professional partnerships and teams, or whole organizations. Yet often how to do this remains hidden within ourselves.
Want to work with me?
Are you ready to get unstuck? Are you ready to get into deeper alignment with who you really are? Are you ready to discover your inner resilience?

Change Your Mind
Change Your World
Scott helped me with an epiphany
I met Scott and learned about JOG Your Right Brain at just the right time. I have been pursuing a dream to develop a business that would have a positive impact on my favorite industry — Logistics. This is an industry that resists change, yet that is the very thing I’m so committed to doing. Thanks to Scott’s tool AND his clever coaching I realized that I had work to do to bring alignment with my partners, our start-up, and my vision of how the industry needs to change. Then Scott helped me with an epiphany that I can align my start-up with what makes me tick. Now my personal vision is in sync with my deeply-felt interests. Imagine that… getting a stronger “me”, doing the work I love to do and am good at, and kick starting our business. Not bad for a couple of hours of time invested and Scott’s great coaching.
Scott helped me to get ‘unstuck’ and to see my project through to completion.
I’d highly recommend Scott as a valuable coach and partner in success to anyone working towards a major goal but who finds themselves bogged down in the process. Scott helped me to get ‘unstuck’ and to see my project through to completion. Scott keeps his eye on the big picture and the ultimate goal, even while diving into the immediate details of whatever’s impeding your progress. He perceives the blinders you may have to what’s really going on, gently bringing them to your attention and, along with his ability to reframe difficult situations, uncovers alternative perspectives that can help you shift to something more adaptive and consistent with finding a path to your goal.
He is adeptly attuned to the subtleties of internal conflicts
Scott has a grounding and guiding presence that enables clients to step into their process trusting that they will gain the clarity they need to make significant shifts in their life. He is adeptly attuned to the subtleties of internal conflicts and uses the Projective Differential with such high integrity that he is able to help unlock their deeper “truths” so they can feel empowered to take action in meaningful ways. His ability to deliver penetrating feedback without judgment allows clients to experience the fullness of their reactions while benefitting from the insights of a trusted and valued partner.
He blends remarkable intelligence with real human heart
Scott is truly gifted professional who combines excellence in teaching, facilitation and coaching. He blends remarkable intelligence with real human heart and is a wonderful person to partner with. I was certified in Scott’s Projective Differential/JOG Your Right process and have been using it successfully with clients ever since. This process, also known as Insight Facilitation, is a simple yet sophisticated approach to helping people access their deeper intentions and insights relative to complex problems and challenges they face. As a result, people can make clearer decisions, take more meaningful actions and achieve the outcomes they truly desire and need. Scott has worked diligently to make his process easy to learn and enjoyable to use by both practitioners and clients. I have great admiration for Scott and am grateful for who he is and what he has done.
He challenges his clients to push their boundaries
Scott’s commitment to his clients is felt time and time again. His insight and expertise are invaluable. His advice is practical, but practical doesn’t always mean easy! He challenges his clients to push their boundaries and discover their full potential.
Scott’s insights, clarity and sound counsel are a valuable investment
Scott shows a great dedication to his work. His background and depth of knowledge shine in his work with assessments (e.g. the Projective Differential) and strategic direction. From his attention to detail in his client service efforts, to his clear analysis and concise communication with those he coaches, Scott’s insights, clarity and sound counsel are a valuable investment.
He taught me how to listen to my own awareness and inner voice
After a couple of coaching appointments with Scott, I was able to clear my mind and confidently make decisions that I was unable to make before the sessions. He taught me how to listen to my own awareness and inner voice. I was able to tune out the chatter, the doubts and fears that really prevented me from moving forward and accomplishing goals.
Scott asks questions that point toward a state of mind that is clear and simple and allows you to know what is right for you.
I highly recommend Scott as a coach if you have issues with confidence, are having trouble with decisions or if you just want a quieter mind and a greater sense of awareness. The sessions with Scott are so worth it because once the light bulb goes on and you “get it”, it’s life changing and you don’t need anything more.
Scott has been a huge value as a creative thought partner…
Scott and I have worked together multiple times since 1997, prior to when he founded Tapintu. Scott has been a huge value as a creative thought partner who has helped immensely build my own now patented IP and business enterprise. He is able to see the big picture while also tracking and drilling down on critical details. He is highly intelligent and quickly comprehends both key detail as well as nuance, and is masterful at handling the complexity of both the creative process and the practical application. The creative environment that Scott and I have crafted has been of great value in helping me think clearly of how to take my life work and significant business value from it. He is able to leap intuitively to see the real issues and opportunities, and is very conscious of maintaining a strong trustworthy long term partnership with which we are able to leverage our many years of working together to mutual benefit. I am not only recommending Scott, I am committed to make sure he fulfills his significant goals in life as my creative partner.